The 9 Things You Must Never Ever Flush down the toilet

Proper toilet usage is fundamental to maintaining a functional plumbing system and avoiding costly repairs. Many people are unaware of the potential hazards of flushing certain items down the toilet, thinking that it’s okay if it can be washed. This misconception can lead to serious plumbing issues and environmental concerns. In this article, we will explore the nine things you must never, under any circumstances, flush down the toilet.

Never Ever Flush down the toilet

  1. Wipes

Despite the misleading “flushable” label, wipes are not as disintegrable as claimed. They can accumulate, causing clogs and contributing to sewer system blockages. It’s essential to heed the advice of septic tank experts, who consistently caution against flushing wipes.

  1. Paper Towels, Tissues, and Napkins

While designed to hold moisture, these absorbent materials do not break down easily in water. Flushing them can lead to plumbing issues, and as septic tank experts emphasize, they are best disposed of in the trash.

  1. Feminine Hygiene Products

Tampons, pads, and liners are not biodegradable and can cause significant blockages in sewer lines. Responsible disposal is critical, as stressed by septic tank experts who routinely deal with the aftermath of improper flushing.

  1. Cotton Pads, Swabs, and Rounds

These seemingly harmless items do not dissolve in water. Flushing them can result in pipe accumulation, leading to clogs and potential overflows, as noted by septic tank experts who regularly encounter these issues.

  1. Dental Floss

Dental floss is not biodegradable and can get entangled in other debris in the sewer system. This can cause blockages and disruptions, a concern frequently raised by septic tank experts during plumbing consultations.

  1. Hair

Hair strands can easily snag on pipes and other debris, forming clumps and obstructing the wastewater flow. To prevent this, septic tank experts advise using drain catchers and disposing of removed hair in the trash.

  1. Cooking Grease, Fats, and Oils

Pouring these substances down the drain may seem convenient, but they cool and solidify over time, attaching to pipes and causing clogs. This advice aligns with the recommendations of septic tank experts for maintaining a healthy plumbing system.

  1. Hazardous Materials

Medications, paint, chemicals, and other dangerous substances can contaminate the water supply and harm the environment. Responsible disposal methods, such as designated collection points, are vital, as stressed by environmental agencies and septic tank experts alike.

  1. Cigarette Butts

Cigarette butts contain toxic chemicals and can contribute to sewer blockages and environmental pollution. Smokers are urged to discard them in designated bins rather than flushing, aligning with ecological guidelines and septic tank experts’ insights.

Additional Tips

  • Install a drain catcher to prevent small items from slipping into the toilet.
  • Use a toilet plunger regularly to maintain clear pipes.
  • Educate family members and guests about proper toilet etiquette.
  • Following these guidelines can ensure a trouble-free plumbing system and contribute to a sustainable future.


Proper toilet etiquette goes beyond personal convenience; it is a collective responsibility. By avoiding flushing these nine items, you protect your plumbing and contribute to a healthier environment. Remember, the advice of septic tank is not just professional insight—it’s a roadmap to maintaining the longevity of your plumbing system.

Ronald Gonzalez

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